Image of five star to algebraic connections
BIG IDEAS for I.M.p.a.c.t. in math
Rediscover the curriculum through Algebra Eyes and Ears
-Making generalizations
-Connecting big ideas within the curriculum
-Bringing out curricular potential for algebraic connections
Develop Algebraic Habits of Mind
-abstracting from computations
-building rules from patterns
-doing and undoing
Engage diverse learners in meaningful math discourse
Leverage technology to build math knowledge
Establish a collaborative mentoring network through Lesson Study.
Algebraic Concept Connections
Grade K Curriculum Focal Points
Algebra: Children identify, duplicate, and extend simple number patterns and sequential and growing patterns (e.g., patterns made with shapes) as preparation for creating rules that describe relationships.
Grade 1 Curriculum Focal Points
Number and Operations and Algebra: Developing understandings of addition and subtraction and strategies for basic addition facts and related subtraction facts.
Children develop strategies for adding and subtracting whole numbers on the basis of their earlier work with small numbers. They use a variety of models, including discrete objects, length-based models (e.g., lengths of connecting cubes), and number lines, to model “part-whole,” “adding to,” “taking away from,” and “comparing” situations to develop an understanding of the meanings of addition and subtraction and strategies to solve such arithmetic problems. Children understand the connections between counting and the …