Broader impacts from the center’s contribution

  • Support from SCHEV: The two funded programs ACT NOW (2008-2009) and IMPACT (2009-2010) has impacted our Mathematics Educational Leadership program by providing tuition for a total of 150 Masters students and has provided teaching/research experiences for our doctoral students as well.
  • Support from the newly funded VA-DOE Math Science Partnership: COMPLETE (2010-2012) will support 10 undergraduate scholars, 200 teachers who earn 3-6 graduate credits, support for 3 graduate students (2 masters and 1 doctoral). The support form the MSP grants will generate tuition funding for the Office of Educational Services and the University.
  • Impact on QEP for University – Dr. Seshaiyer currently serves on the advisory council for the Center for Teaching Excellence and also on the Quality Enhancement Planning University Committee. Together with Dr. Suh, we plan to create programs in the Center that will align to the QEP initiatives in promoting a culture of scholarship. Specifically, the center will help to support student scholarships through collaborations with the school district and faculty at GMU.
  • Impact for UAP programs and the Honors College – Dr. Seshaiyer currently serves on the Advisory Council of the Honors College and also has mentored a student in the Undergraduate Apprenticeship Program. Together with Dr. Suh, we plan to create new undergraduate scholarships that will be administered jointly with the UAP and Honors College to promote research in the area of mathematics education. We are already in communication with Zofia Burr (Dean, Honors College), Kathy Alligood (Associate Dean, Honors College) and Deirdre Moloney (Director, UAP Program).