• Outside GMU: The Center will have an active math science partnership with six school districts: Fairfax, Loudoun, Prince William, Alexandria, Falls Church, Manassas City. Besides National Organizations such as the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) and the Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM) are planning to work with our center to broaden their impact on teachers of mathematics: Monique Lynch, (NCTM); Director of Professional Development, and Patrick Vennebush, NCTM Illuminations Project Coordinator and Suzanne Lenhart, Former President of Association of Women in Mathematics (AWM) have agreed to present seminars/workshops for teachers.
  • Inside GMU: The Center will actively collaborate with the Do-IT, GMU-TV to create lesson modules and come up with new ways to support and promote the Distance Learning Program at GMU. The Center will also promote active faculty mentorship through student scholarships generated in conjunction with George Mason’s UAP program and QEP initiatives.